Monday, March 30, 2009

Remove The toxic For The Beauty


And help remove the toxic free radicals from the body
Cigarette smoke, air pollution or chemicals in beauty products a bad impact on our skin. Due to free radicals that can damage the skin causing wrinkles or flek. With exercise, there is a poison in our bodies can be issued. Good blood circulation which causes the distribution of absorbed nutrients to the skin and help remove the maximum toxicity in the skin.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

I LOve Jaz Girl


Health and beauty skin is longed for each women. Various beauty products are used in order to make the skin healthy, beautiful and cute. Some women have trick beauty of the skin to look young by using make up. In addition, healthy eating patterns also support the beauty and skin health. There are also using traditional means to the beauty of skin and beauty, such as using a chocolate or strawberry. However, from a variety of ways and methods to enhance your skin, do not forget exercise. What are the benefits of sport for your skin?


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Consume Vitamine For Your Beauty

Gynecology vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables is very useful for fresh faces. Your health will be better with mengkonsumsinya.
Enough sleep every day

Adequate sleep helps the body to repair cells damaged. So, before you try to sleep at least 8 hours a day so that the needs of this tercukupi.
Sports regularly

Although sometimes difficult to provide time for the sport because of feeling tired after a whole day activity, but try before you take the time to exercise at least 2 times a week, so that your health stays awake.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Positive Thinking For Your Beauty


Thinking positive

The mind is the part that really affect the condition of our bodies. Stress can cause illness. Similarly, in your face, too much thinking can make your face look older. So, think positive and always accept whatever your issue as well.
Select the appropriate cosmetic products

Choose one of beauty products, can be a bad influence on your face. So, Find your skin type and use the product accordingly. Do not be affected by a particular brand or price, but use a really fit with your skin.
Use sun screen

UV rays in the sun can cause wrinkling and flek in the face. Protect your face by using the sun screen if you must leave the house. Face so that you will still look clean.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beauty in Fat


Indeed, many beauty products that can make skin young and refine and make more beautiful. Products that are included in the body or used directly on your skin. However, with the appropriate use of cosmetics and make up tricks that right when you make up your face, you also can appear more beautiful and young.
Every woman surely want to look beautiful and ageless. However, errors in the pattern of living, eating or other causes of stress can make us and make us face is not bright. So, so you can continue to look fresh and ageless, following these tips you can apply.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Beauty Tips Jilbab Girl


Use concealer to help disguise flek on the face or pimple used. Concealer can also be used to disguise the bag.

Brush and Spons
When using the powder, first use a brush for the next use spons help meratakannya.

Select colors of eyeshadow that can help your face look fresh and young. Colors to choose from, among others, green, peach, purple, gold.


Beauty Tips Jilbab Girl


Use concealer to help disguise flek on the face or pimple used. Concealer can also be used to disguise the bag.

Brush and Spons
When using the powder, first use a brush for the next use spons help meratakannya.

Select colors of eyeshadow that can help your face look fresh and young. Colors to choose from, among others, green, peach, purple, gold.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Indonesian Jilbab Girl


Toner and moisturizer
Before starting make up the face, start with a clean face and neck using the cleaning continued with the use toner and moisturizer. This is aimed so that the results make up your maximum.
Alas powder
Use the powder bed (foundation) so that colors can go with the perfect face on you. Select a color foundation that one level higher than the color of your skin.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Making Up Your Face

Because of the tricks that make up right, you can disguise the signs of old so you can cover this shortfall. But before you make up your face, make sure that the cosmetics that you use is still feasible to use or not expired. What should be done during the make up so you can look younger? Here are some steps that may apply when you make up your own face.


Making Up Your Face

Because of the tricks that make up right, you can disguise the signs of old so you can cover this shortfall. But before you make up your face, make sure that the cosmetics that you use is still feasible to use or not expired. What should be done during the make up so you can look younger? Here are some steps that may apply when you make up your own face.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Young And Pretty Indonesian Cute Girl


Bulge age is natural process that must be faced by every human being. No one can avoid the process penuaan that occur over time. Including for women. With increasing age, the body's ability to decrease and also the impact on the face. Appear on the face wrinkling or skin that is not elastic anymore. But this does not mean you can not appear beautiful. make up or makeup is one solution. How?


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chocolate Girl With veil, very beautiful

gadis jilbab
Venter brown with cocoa (cocoa beans) over 70% also have benefits for health, because the chocolate is rich in antioxidants that is the womb fenol and flavonoid. With antioxidants, will be able to catch free radicals in the body. The amount of antioxidants is the womb even 3 times more than green tea, the drink is often seen as a source of antioxidants.


Use The strawberry for your beauty

How to make strawberry mask is not difficult. Next steps and make a strawberry mask that needs to be done so that your face looks pretty, too:

1. Blender the strawberry fruit until destroyed.
2. Add 1 teaspoon honey or yoghurt can be replaced with no taste.
3. Diamkan for 30 minutes.
4. Rinse with cold water.

Strawberry using this you can do once a week so that your face still looks bright and beautiful.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Beautiful sexy Chinese Girl

Sun Fei Fei

Sun Fei Fei

Sun Fei Fei

Feeling comfortable that accrued after the chocolate is not only to enjoy the feeling of it, because chocolate contains substances that enable hundreds of the occurrence of chemical reactions in the brain. These substances-substances that actively stimulate serotonin in the brain, which then trigger feelings of comfort someone. In addition, the oxygen most of the chocolate is theobromine that can stimulate the heart and nerve network that makes us awake and vibrant. This effect can also be obtained from the caffeine in coffee or tea. Benefit from the other is theobromine can ease coughing.


Very Beautiful Indonesia Jilbab Girl

To the eye, so that the face does not look old, you should not use eyeliner. Or if you want to use them should not use too thick eyeliner and use a pencil-shaped.

Blush on
Blush color on the color should be natural colors such as pink or peach.

Lipgloss and lipstick
Select the lipstick color the same as or one level higher than the color of lips. Avoid the lips with a color that contrasts too. Can also be added lipgloss lips look so fresh.

Eyebrow pencil
Trim your eyebrow with a brow lift out the hair and untidy menyisirnya so neat telihat. And to emphasize the form of a brow, eyebrow pencil select a dark brown rather than black, because black will make the face look older.


Indonesian Very Pretty Girl


To be able to overcome the problem, dry lips and broken in pieces, we need to know what causes dry lips and broken in pieces. The causes include the following:

* Air pollution and dust
* Changes in temperature can make your mouth can not adapt so that the broken edge
* Food that is too sour or salty
* Smoking, coffee drinking habits or drink alcohol
* Lack of consumption of fruit or vegetables
* Poor drinking water white
* Using a cosmetic material kimianya too hard or because of allergy to certain cosmetic
* Pasta teeth that contain a lot of detergent
* Lick lips habit with saliva


Indonesia Young College Student


Lips is one part of the face. Lips that will attract and support the healthy beauty of your face. Health lips must always be guarded. Problems that generally occur in the mouth is dry lips and broken in pieces. This can damage the beauty of the face. Lips easily broken and injured menimbukan pain. When this condition is not treated, can cause infection in the mouth. For women, broken lips that used to make lipstick does not stick well so that it can disrupt the appearance. Therefore, whatever the causes of dry lips and broken in pieces? Then how the prevention of dry lips and broken in pieces?


Asian Indonesian Pretty Veil Girl


beautiful face without a pimple? That each of the desired woman. Various efforts made to overcome the problem that faces this one. Have come to the center and the renowned beauty of the cost to millions of rupiahs to make a face beautiful and cute. But actually there is an easy way that you can try to make the skin on your face you beautiful. Tips traditionally has been following the powerful and even a pimple on your face. And you'll appear more confident.


Maria Ozawa, japan cute Girl

When browsing on FB, I found a group of fans and Maria Ozawa Miyabi hater. I counted hater Ozawa count only 55 people, while the fans to be reached 8000 people. Wah ... a comparison of the remote. And I believe not all people will know the existence of the second group.



Who is actually Maria Ozawa Miyabi it. He is a virgin aged 21 years bloody Japan - Canada. Originally he was a girl as good a normal life in Japan. But in the age of 13 years he began to plunge to the natural sexual world.
Maria Ozawa school environment in the bule and ultimately bring life to the social background of all free. Including experience of sex is the first time that she was aged 13 years! At the age that he knew cobwebs sex and learn 48 position in the make after reading the book purchased on its own initiative. While the spectacle introduction video-video porno cd she got through a friend His brother borrowed.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Meida Shefira Indonesian Model


Reduce the use of cosmetics
Using cosmetics can clog pore-pore face. Dirty make this pore-pore does not breathe properly. Choose cosmetics that are water-based can reduce the potential occurrence of a pimple compared to cosmetics based oil.

Do not click the whelk.
The dirty hands when you hold the trigger and squeeze pimple rising oil and dirt in the face. When squeeze pimple, a layer that is under the skin can become damaged and cause the oil to spread out face other parts of the face so many more arise whelk


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pink beautiful Indonesian Veil Girl

In the last two months, the earth is currently experiencing changes in temperature, causing changes in the weather became more stabilized, the air humidity is increased. Direct sunlight penetrate our skin. Ultra violet that our skin is absorbed multiply. Skin regeneration will be more active. At this time we should care more for caring for our skin, so skin stays awake, penuaan prevent early and maintain skin health. How do I treat the skin to change the weather? Here are some tips for caring for the skin face and body.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Love Jaz Jilbab Girl


Stimulate production of collagen
Collagen is the substance that makes skin cells into the skin taut and springy. As we age, collagen production decreases and the decrease in the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. Production of collagen can do sports with routine because the skin cells will get the distribution of oxygen and nutrition so that a good shine and skin will be flexible.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Cellulit Reduction Beauty tips


Reduce all
All caused fibroblast braided and formed a pocket of fat. Generally, all the buttocks, thigh or back of the arm and make a skin like orange peel. The presence of all the look you want. During exercise, the body of the process and the formation of muscle so that all that is can be removed.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chinese Beautiful Actress

Yang Xue

Yang Xue

Yang Xue

Phenylethylamine are also working to help the absorption in the brain and produce dopamine that causes the feeling of happy, interested in improving the taste and can cause feelings of love. That is another reason why chocolate is often given as gifts of love marks.


Shower Your Face For Beauty

Benefits of both, is a beauty to our skin. Why? Because using the water we can get more negative ion is beneficial for our skin. In free air, there is actually a negative ion and positive together. With the spray of water, the negative ion and positive ion split. Positive ion is more weight, making this ion quickly fell while the negative ion can float in the air. That is why we feel more comfortable and fresh while flying near waterfall or breathe when the air after the rain because there are many negative ion in the air.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Beauty Tips Using Chocolate


Brown (chocolate) is the preferred food of many. Although, the actual sugar found in chocolate can increase body weight, damage the teeth, or it can cause diabetes. However, the chocolate itself contains many good things that benefit the body. Chocolates contain antioxidants that can maintain heart health, lower blood pressure and in terms of human psychological, chocolate can cause feelings rileks. But Brown was also useful for beauty. How to benefit brown beauty?


Using Veil For Your Beauty


In an experiment, the number of negative ion increased 10-fold after the shower is used for 5 minutes and continue to grow with the length of shower. But keep in mind that the hot steam can thus increase the positive ion, when we should use the bathroom fan or open window so that the air exchange occurs.
Use a shower can also provide massage in the face so that we face, we can breathe better. So to get a good effect, should not be used in shower upright, but with a slope of about 60 degrees.
So, no one tried to use the shower when the tub as therapy for the face, we also as a statement of environmental concern us.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Chocolate Beauty Tips

For beauty, chocolate can help increase beauty. Gynecology found in chocolate has many benefits to the skin, for example, work to maintain softness, tighten and refine skin. Brown can also slow the old on the skin, including to prevent wrinkling in the face.
Make a chocolate mask can be done at home. For you who want to try using chocolate for your face


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Korean pretty Girl



Chocolate (or chocolate in the Dictionary of English), many liked the food. Mumble or imagine when drinking glass or enjoy a warm chocolate tart with a layer of chocolate to make sure people can not wait to do it. Not only as meal for young children, but Brown also enjoyed many adults. In fact, chocolate is often used as gifts for lovely people. Why chocolate is considered a sign of love for someone? Substances are contained in chocolate so that this food has a lot enjoy? Is chocolate a food is harmful to health?


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Meyda safira Indonesian Pretty Young Girl

No one, you try to use natural materials to overcome the pimple on the face. For example, using a mask with honey and lemon. In honey, there is a fetus a useful antiseptic substances to kill bacteria in the face that can cause the red blotch. Meanwhile, lime juice can reduce the oil on the face so that it can prevent the dirt patch in the face.
Following steps to create a mask of lemon:

* Take a lime and water as PERAS 1 tsp.
* Mix lime juice with the earlier 1 teaspoon honey.
* Oleskan on face and diamkan for 30 minutes.
* Rinse with cold water.

Hopefully, with regular use, pimple face can go from you.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kuroki meisa - Japanese Beautiful actress

Kuroki Meisa

Kuroki Meisa

Kuroki Meisa

Kuroki Meisa


Monday, March 9, 2009

Japanese beautiful actress

Kuroki Meisa

Kuroki Meisa
Botanical experts agree that chocolate or cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) is grown in the Amazon valley and Orinoko in South America since thousands of years ago. Maya nation is the first time to make chocolate tree. The habit is also taken when they move to the plains Yukatan. Aztek nation and introduce chocolate as a bitter drink. Cacao beans mixed with corn or wine that has fermented ago is presented in a cup made of gold. Aztek named Emperor Montezuma drank chocolate habit has more than 50 chocolate cups per day.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Young asian Magazine wallpaper

Kuroki Meisa

Kuroki Meisa

Original Spanish colonists named Hernán Cortés (1485-1547) traverse the region during the initial interest in the gold cup to drink the contents than the brown. But he also observed that for the Aztec nation, cocoa beans or chocolate is also used as money. Therefore, he immediately established several plantation chocolate. Plantation referred to as a "golden brown" was developed and tune the results, so that the Spanish trade chocolate on the 18-th century. Then the chocolate was introduced to mainland Europe and is made of cake mix.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Japanese Sexy Woman

Kuroki Meisa

Kuroki Meisa

In the mid-19th century, the Swiss started to develop and market chocolate as a snack. So that the chocolate was just the drink and then evolved into a snack that can melt on the tongue. Switzerland also become famous as the countries best chocolate.
Then, the smart entrepreneurs who like Hershey, Kohler, Lindt, Nestlé, Peter, Suchard and Tobler-name brand into their famous chocolate-making at this time a large contribution to industrial chocolate. They found that chocolate processing machinery more efficient processing methods and find better chocolates.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Korea Young Pretty Magazine Cover Girl




Chocolate passion for Sex and Love Symbols

The reason why many people give chocolate to people because brown tersayang is often seen as the food of love. This is because chocolate has a texture that is soft and melted slowly in the mouth when dikulum. This gives the impression of sensual people eat. In addition, the effect of chocolate can provide comfortable, rileks and can increase sexual passion.


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