Friday, April 24, 2009

Recognize The Sugar Close

Sugar can be processed into a variety of beauty products, especially for mild the skin. From some research, sugar-containing substances soften the nutritious substances to the skin cells to die. That is why some in the spa in the world, sugar has long been known as one of the nutritious ingredients for your skin.

The sugar can be divided into several types, the first sugar is added daily to the food and beverages, such as sugar that we often consumption. Second type is the natural sugar in food such as fruits and vegetables that have a naturally sweet taste, such as watermelon, melon and the like.


Anonymous,  April 24, 2009 at 8:10 PM  

waw, blognya keren banget, waduh saya harus belajar banyak dari sini. salam kenal, nama saya d3d1 dan saya suka dengan isi content disini dan bahasa inggrisnya, hebat.

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